1. What is the speed limit in school zone
2. The safe distance to follow a motorcyclist in seconds are:
3. In a four-way stop sign if two vehicles front-front reach the intersection and the same time, which goes first?
4. What is true about driving too slowly?
5. Which sign is an octagonal?
6. When approaching a stopped school bus which is picking up or dropping off children and going in the opposite direction on an undivided roadway with two lanes, you must:
7. With the Driver License Class E the young age of 16 years can drive only:
8. Who has the right-of-way in Florida?
9. When turning to the left on a solid green light, you must:
10. If you drink three beers approximately how long it will take for all alcohol to leave your blood stream?
11. Left turn on a red light is:
12. Before start driving a vehicle you must:
13. The legal age to drink alcohol is:
14. When the posted speed limit is 70 mph, you should avoid driving slower than:
15. When approaching a traffic signal with a flashing yellow light, you should: